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1900 - 1910

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What was the average age for women to get married?
What novel explained the history of the KKK through a romance story?
The Clansman
What novel was scandalous?
Sister Carrie
What music was gaining popularity?
Caribbean, calypso
What is the name of a male accessory store?
What did men and women wear?
Gloves and hats
What food was created in early 1900's?
Peanut butter and jelly, sundaes, brownies
What is was the Big Burn?
Large wild fire
How many people immigrated to the US from 1900 - 1910?
8.8 million
What is the name of the black American boxer?
Jack Johnson
What is Pearl Harbor?
Military base in Hawaii
Who supported the NAACP?
Teddy Roosevelt
What major Civil Rights group was created in 1909?
What car company made cars cheaper?
What major event happened in San Francisco?
How many could not read?
Over 6 million
What was the General Slocum and how many people died?
Boat, 1,000 people
What was the first motor company?
What one thing invented in 1903?
Crayons, driving licenses
Who won the first World Series?
Boston Americans (Pittsburgh Pirates)
Who invented the airplane?
Wright brothers
What HUGE invention was created in Ohio?
How fast could you go in 1901?
12 mph
What were two inventions created in 1901?
Razor, vaccuum
What were two inventions created in 1900?
Razor, vaccuum
Who was the president before Teddy and what happened to him?
McKinley, assassinated
What major event were women allowed to be part of in 1900?
What mode of transportation was created in 1900?
NYC subway
What city was hit by a massive hurricane?
Galveston, TX
What did the Pure Food/Drug Act create?
What made Teddy incredibly upset about the food practices?
Killing soldiers
What is the title of the novel written by Sinclair to show how bad the meat packing companies were?
The Jungle
What law was created in 1906?
Pure Food/Drug Act
When did the Gold Standard end?
What was a passion of Roosevelt?
Who was president from 1901 - 1909?
What was the money system called?
Gold Standard