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Beaver 2 revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is she? : It's a windy afternoon in the countryside. Sarah is with her family. She is flying her kite in the field.
In the countryside, in a field
What is she doing? : It's a windy afternoon in the countryside. Sarah is with her family. She is flying her kite in the field.
She's flying her kite
What's the weather like today?
A big dog is ---------- than a small dog. (hungry)
A princess is --------- -------------- than a witch. (beautiful)
More beautiful
An elephant is ---------- than a mouse. (big)
Barry --------- at school yesterday. (is/was)
Annie ------- excited to visit her grandma today. (is/was)
Sarah -------- wearing her jumper and hat because it was cold. (is/was)
Yesterday ---------- raining. (is / was)
Today ----- windy. (is/was)
Correct the mistakes: This animal is small. It has got six legs. It can run very fast.
big / four legs / can't run very fast
This thing is where cows and sheep live on
A field
A place with lots of trees
A forest
Its wet
The rain
Its strong and sometimes cold
The wind
Its hot and yellow
the sun