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PREP 5 - Unit 14 - Review Grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I visited one of my uncles, ________ lives on the other side of town.
The afternoon is a time _________ I can relax after a long day at school.
The man ________ sold me the car is my neighbour.
who / that
There is a restaurant with a beautiful view _______ we can have lunch.
The office is a place _______ I can do my work without being disturbed.
The movie Avatar, ________ we saw a few days ago, won several Oscars.
Food _______ is imported from other countries is often more expensive than local food.
The man, _______ wife is a famous violinist, can play the piano himself.
The camera makes great selfies. (I bought it on holiday last summer)
The camera, which I bought on holiday last summer, makes great selfies.
The woman is a politician. (I forgot his name)
The woman, whose name I forgot, is a politician.
Hotel Bellavista has opened their swimming pool. (We always spent our summers there)
Hotel Bellavista, where we always spent our summers, has opened their swimming pool.
The singer got married last weekend. (His songs are very popular)
The singer, whose songs are very popular, got married last weekend.
The exercise was very difficult. (Nobody could do it)
The exercise, which nobody could do, was very difficult.
December is my favourite time of the year. (Then we celebrate Christmas and my birthday)
Christmas, when we celebrate Christmas and my birthday, is my favourite time of the year.
This dessert is very rich. (It has 300g of chocolate in it)
This dish, which has 300g of chocolate in it, is very rich.
Kim will order my birthday cake. (Her uncle is a baker)
Kim, whose uncle is a baker, will order my birthday cake.
My mum’s soup is delicious. (It is made from beans, garlic and tomatoes)
My mum's soup, which is made from beans, garlic and tomatoes, is delicious.
The waiter is very friendly. (He comes from Barcelona)
The waiter, who comes from Barcelona, is very friendly.
Thai food can be quite hot. (It contains chillies and other spices)
Thai food, which contains chillies and other spices, can be quite hot.