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Body Language

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this smile fake or genuine?
How do people feel when they are scratching the chin?
What is this man doing?
duh, he's celebrating
How do girls walk so self-confidently in high heels?
After 10,000 bruises and many hours of practice later.
Why do people bite their nails?
Because they are anxious or scared.
Why do people fidget ?
Because they are nervous.
Why do people shake their legs?
A habit or they are nervous
How can you tell that someone is not interested in something?
They look distracted.
What do some people scratch their heads?
They got head lice or they are confused XD
What does crossing your legs mean?
You're feeling good,powerful,confident and everything.
What does touching and twirling hair mean?
Because you wanna get your hair greasy the next day.
What does this hand gesture mean?
What does this gesture means in the U.S?
Peace sign