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A2 Grammar Exam

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If there (be) more hours in a day, I (have) enough time to finish all the tasks
was(were) /would have
I would be on cloud nine if someone (present) me a car
I will get more money if I (get) a promotion at work
If I (have) more pets, I (not have) enough money to feed them.
have/won't have (had/wouldn't have)
If you (take) my card, you (have) a discount in the shop.
take/will have (took/would have)
My room (paint) in blue! It was my dream!
was painted
This package (deliver) in the morning. I don't know what's there.
was delivered
This project (prepare) by our best employee. He did it a week ago.
was prepared
The streets (clean) from the snow every morning
are cleaned
____ we on vacation last year?
While he ____ (drive) , he ___ (listen) to his favourite songs.
was driving, was listening (two action at the same time)
There isn’t dress code so you _____ wear a uniform.
don't have to (possible, but not necessary)
This perfume____ (smell) well. I love it!
smells (state verb here)
What _____ you doing, when I _____ (call) you?
were, called (interrupted action)
I ___ (past habit) have a cat when I was a child. His name was Fluffy.
used to
Sarah ____(not see) her best friend for a year.
hasn't seen (because for a year)
I _____ go to the gym to lose weight.
_____ the sun shining brightly at the moment?
You ______ smoke in the building. It’s dangerous!
This bridge _____ in 1785 and is the oldest in the city.
was built