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Daily Routine May 2021

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did they do after the class?
They were talking/ chit-chatting
What did they do yesterday during free time?
They were doing yoga/ stretching.
What did she do yesterday afternoon?
She was practicing violin.
What did she do after she wake up yesterday morning?
She was making her bed/ folding the blanket.
What did she do yesterday afternoon?
She was keeping her toys.
What did she do yesterday morning?
She was jogging/ exercising.
What did he do yesterday afternoon?
He was doing homework.
What were they doing yesterday?
They were playing chess
What did they do yesterday?
They were cleaning the house.
What did she do yesterday morning?
She was brushing her teeth.
What did they do yesterday evening?
They ate dinner. / They had dinner.
What did they do yesterday morning?
They went to school.
What did they do yesterday at 12 o´clock?
They ate lunch. / They had lunch.
What did he do yesterday at night?
He slept./ He went to bed.
What did she do yesterday morning?
She got dressed.
What did he do yesterday?
He had a shower.
What did he do yesterday morning?
He was eating breakfast.
What did they do yesterday evening?
They were reading a book.
What did he do yesterday evening?
He was studying.
What was she doing with her mum yesterday?
She was helping to wash the dishes