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Show on the keyboard chart how the scales of F major is played?
F G A Bb C D E F
There are 8 notes in a scale. Which notes are semitone apart?
3-4 and 7-8
G major has a B flat. True or False?
Name this note?
Which major scale has these two sharps #?
D major scale
What is the missing note in this scale?
Which clef will make this a F major scale?
Treble clef
Name the scale?
G major
Which major scales have #?
G major and D major
Sing C major scale using solfege
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
Fill in the answer: Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone, ? , Tone, Semitone
Major scale is built from a series of Tones and Semitones. True or False?