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Who is the first person who suffer space sickness?
Gherman Titov
How many days does the moon revolves around the Earth?
29.5 days
provide a worldwide link up of radio, telephone and television.
Communication satellites
This satellites help scientists study weather patterns and forecast the weather.
Weather satellites
This satellite measure fundamental properties of outer space.
Research satellites
The world’s first artificial satellite is ...
Sputnik 1
How many natural satellites orbiting the planets in the solar system.
The formal name of Earths moon is...
La Luna
What is a natural satellite that revolves the Earth.
This is a small body revolving around a plane.
True or False: The longest stay in space thus far has been 438 days, by Valeri Polyakov.
True or False: Gherman Titov is also the first person to suffer space sickness.
What is astonaut?
This is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a space craft.
How old does John Glen when he go to the space?
77 years old
Who Allan Shepard?
Fiirst American in Space.
Who is the youngest person to fly in space?
Gherman Titov
Who is the first American woman in Space?
Sally Ride
Who is the first human in space?
Soviet Yuri Gagarin