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Omonetashi, ___ is a word and concept deep-rooted from sado (tea ceremony) in Japanese culture, means to who wholeheartedly look after guests.
The Festival of Holi in India, ___ has its roots in the legend of Holika-the sister of the demon King Hiranyakashyap, celebrates the victory of goodness and signals the advent of spring.
Flamenco, ____ is a folkloric music tradition that originated in the region of Andalusia, has its roots in the cante jondo (deep song) of gypsies.
RIGHT OR WRONG? Italy, that wine is a big part of its culture, is home to some of the world's most famous vineyards.
WRONG. where
The L'Oreal-UNESCO 2020 Scholarship is the scholarship ___ was awarded to Viridiana Tejada-Ortigoza for her work in 3D food printing for personalized diets.
The Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University is a renowned academic institution ___ Ivana Collado has done research stays related to robotics.
1922 was the year ___ Mae C. Jemison became the first black women to travel to space.
Tanzania is the country ___ Jane Goodall first went to study social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees.
Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier are pioneer scientists ___ work in CRISPR gene editing awarded them the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
RIGHT OR WRONG? The center of gravity is one of the most fundamental concepts of physics which Archimedes discovered by the 3rd Century BC.
Hypatia of Alexandria was the first female mathematician ___ life is reasonably well recorded.
The Nobel Prize Commitee, ___ was in charge of naming the awarded winners, was not going to include Marie Curie in the Nobel Prize for Physics for her and her team's work on radioactivity.
RIGHT OR WRONG? The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, who was painted by Michelangelo, is located in the Vatican.
WRONG. which/that was painted...
Carl Gauss was a mathematician ___ discoveries included findings for the Number Theory.
RIGHT OR WRONG? Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer and mathematician which was born in Torun, Poland.
WRONG. who/that was born...