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Present S, places in town, there is/ there are

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is the mistake? Does he goes camping twice a year? Yes, he do
Goes/ do
_____ they go sightseeing on holidays? No, they ______
Do/ don't
T or F: There are two cats in the box.
False. There are three
_____________ cushions on the sofa?
Are there
_____________ a shower in the bathroom? Yes, __________.
Is there / there is.
Which is the mistake? There aren't a cat in the bedroom.
____________ rabbit on the bed.
There is a
______________ dinosaurs next to the robot.
There are (n°)
What is this place?
A place where you can buy prescribed medicine is a CLOTHING SHOP/ PHARMACY
Which is the mistake? There aren't a book on the shelf.
Turn this into a negative sentence: He sets up a campfire.
He doesn't set up a campfire
C or I: This is a church.
________________books in the bedroom?
Are there (any)
What is this place?
There ________ any shelves in my room, but there's a wardrobe.
C or I: She watch the wildlife alone
Does he like gazing at the stars?
No, he doesn't
They DON´T/ DOESN'T crash their car every week.