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Prepositions of place (AT IN ON)
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Statue of liberty is _____ America.
The Statue of liberty is in America.
Messi lives _____ Barcelona.
Messi lives in Barcelona.
The dog was _____ the corner of the street.
The dog was at the corner of the street.
My boss lives ______ 58, Oxford Avenue.
My boss lives at 58, Oxford Avenue.
She was ________ the pharmacy.
She was at the pharmacy.
She doesn't want to live ______ the countryside.
She doesn't want to live in the countryside.
My uncle Jim works _______ the farm.
My uncle Jim works on the farm.
My cousin loves working out ______ the gym.
My cousin loves working out at the gym.
I wanna meet you ______ that street.
I wanna meet you on that street.
There are so many beautiful places ______ Brazil.
There are so many beautiful places in Brazil.
I just enjoy staying _______ home.
I just enjoy staying at home.
My wife is _____ the bank.
My wife is at the bank.