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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This ain't my first rodeo
this is not my first experience with a situation or activity
Run like the wind
to to run very fast
Like two peas in a pod
two people who are always together & are very similar
Having your head in the clouds
not know what's going on
Burning a bridge
damaging a relationship with someone beyond repair
The elephant in the room
an issue or problem that someone is trying to avoid
The last straw
last annoyance that makes a situation unbearable
Pulling someone's leg
joking with them
Piece of cake
a task/job that is easy to complete
No pain no gain
you have to work hard to see results
Letting someone off the hook
not holding someone accountable for something
HItting the nail on the head
performing a task with precision or describing a situation exactly
Heard in through the grapevine
hearing rumors about someone or something
Going on a wild goose chase
doing something that is pointless
Giving someone the cold shoulder
ignoring someone
Getting a taste of your own medicine
being treated how you have been treating others
Fit as a fiddle
being in good health
Cutting Corners
not performing a task correctly in order to have time/money
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
don't count on something happening until after its already happened
Biting off more than you can chew
taking on a task that is too much to handle
Beat around the bush
avoid sharing your true feeling to avoid hurting feelings
A dime a donzen
something that is very common, not unique
He has bigger fish to fry
he has more important things to take care
Ball is in your court
it is up to you to make the next decision/step
At the drop of a hat
do something instantly without hesitation
Best thing since sliced bread
a good idea, invention or plan
It takes two to tango
something that involves 2 people, typically in a negative connotation (like arguing, for which both parties are responsible)
He is on the ball
to understand the situation/topic well; be alert
Steal someone's thunder
take credit for something they did and not you
The whole nine yards
includes everything it possibly can
Take with a grain of salt
don't take it too seriously
Once in a blue moon
rarely happens
Let the cat out of the bag
to share information that was a secret
Feel a bit under the weather
feeling slightly sick
You can't judge a book by its cover
cannot judge something based on its appearance
The ring cost an arm and a leg
it is very expensive
I can't seem to wrap my head around it
having trouble understanding
It goes in one ear and out the other?
forget immediately (usually because you're not listening well or don't care to)