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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A classmate of mine is talking to the teacher but I have something to say so I move in front of him and start talking over him.
Bad Sport- She should not have stepped in front of him or spoke over him. It's important to wait for your turn.
It's my sister's birthday and she received many presents. No one gave me a present. It's not fair!
Bad Sport- She should not be upset that her sister is receiving gifts on her birthday. When it's the narrator's birthday, she will receive gifts.
My friends and I are playing hide and seek but someone finds me right away. It's okay because it's just a game. I will take my turn as seeker and have fun.
Good Sport- She accepted being found and didn't quit.Sometimes games don't always go as we plan but that's okay because we play to have fun with our friends.
My friends and I are playing tag in the schoolyard. Someone tags me and I'm upset because I don't want to be "it". I quit playing the game.
Bad Sport- You should not quit a game because it is not turning out how you planned. What could you do instead?
I always do my best work. Sometimes others finish their work first and sometimes I finish first. It doesn't matter to me as long as I am trying my best.
Good Sport- Her focus is to try her best not to finish her work quickly. Classwork is not a race.
I race to finish my work as quickly as I can. It's messy and has mistakes but at least I did it faster than all my classmates.
Bad Sport- Not everything is a race. It is important to show your best work even if it takes a little bit longer to complete.
It's my birthday and Mrs. Gulotta said I can be first in line to go outside. I push everyone else out of the way because I need to be first.
Bad Sport- He should treat others with respect and use his words not his hands.
I play a game with a friend. I win and say "Good try! Want to play again?"
Good Sport- She was a gracious winner and offered to play again.
I play a game with a friend. I lose so I am angry and I stomp away.
Bad Sport- He had a negative reaction to losing. How could he better control his anger next time?
I play a game with a friend. I say "I win! haha! I am the best!"
Bad Sport- She is being a "sore winner". What could she say instead?
I run as fast as I can when playing soccer and try my hardest.
Good Sport- Always try your best when competing in a game/sport.
I play agame with my friends. I lose, but I say "Good game!" to my friend and ask if they want a rematch.
Good Sport- He said "Good game!" and suggested another round.
I run to the lunch room as fast as I can so I am first in line to get lunch.
Bad Sport- You should not run in the school building.