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Review of Solubility (Part I and II)
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crushing the sugar
increases solubility of sugar in water
decreases solubility of sugar in water
CO2 in soda pop-cap is removed
decreases solubility
increases solubility
Which DOES NOT cause table salt to dissolve FASTER in water?
cooling the solution
stirring the solution
heating the solution
crushing the sugar
Which one dissolves the most sugar?
A beaker of hot water
A beaker of cold water
A beaker of warm water
In this picture, which would be considered the SOLUTE?
The Salt
The Water
Tea in water -water is heated
increases solubility
decreases solubility
Oxygen in water - temperature drops
increases solubility
decreases solubility
Sugar in water - temperature drops
decreases solubility
increases solubility
What does "Dissolve" Mean
The ability to loosen
The ability to disappear
The abilty to bring together
Which sugar has more surface area?
1 gram of granulated (regular) sugar)
1 gram of cube sugar
This picture shows a __________________ solution.
This picture shows a __________________ solution.
This picture shows a __________________ solution.
A material in least quantity being dissolved.
A material in greatest quantity doing the dissolving