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Fish in a Tree - chapter 1 to 10

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you think will happen in the next chapters? Why?
Describe Keisha. Why do you think she is like that? Explain your answer.
Who is Travis? Are Ally and this character similar or different? Why?
Where is Ally's father?
Who does Ally miss? Why?
father and grandfather
Why did Ally dislike school?
reading and writing difficulties
What is Ally good at?
Maths, Art
What did Ally write in her writing journal? Why?
A black block
What did Jessica bring for show and tell?
a pic of Shay
What did Shay bring for show and tell?
a pic of her horse
What did Albert bring for show and tell?
What did Ally bring for show and tell?
A 1943 steel penny
What did Keisha bring for show and tell?
cupcake with hidden message
What is a wooden nickel day?
A bad day
What is a silver dollar day?
A good day
What happened in Ally's mother work place?
Shay and Jessica bothered Ally
What happened to Ally when she tried to read the poster in Mrs. Silver's office?
The letters started moving
Which is Ally's favourite book? Why?
Alice in Wonderland
What happened in Mrs. Hall baby shower?
Ally gave her a sympathy card/
Mrs. Hall told the students to write a description of themselves, what did Ally do?
Write why all over her page.