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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You (pitÀisi teeskennellÀ) to listen to the teacher even if you didn't listen at all.
should pretend
Would you cheat in an exam if you (et tietÀisi) any of the right answers?
didn't know
Susan (saattaisi nÀytellÀ roolin) of the ballet dance!
might play the part
I (olisin voinut liioitella) the situation but I chose to tell the truth.
could have exaggerated
What would you do if you (rikkoisit) your neighbour's window?
I (voisin tehdÀ puvut) if the school paid for the materials.
could make the costumes
(Eikö heidÀn olisi pitÀnyt oppia) their lesson by now?
Shouldn't they have learned
We (olisimme harjoitelleet) more if they had given us time.
would have rehearsed
I really (ei olisi pitÀnyt varastaa) that dress.
shouldn't have stolen
If the dogs (olisivat purreet) me, I would have needed a vaccination.
had bitten
Things (saattaisivat muuttua) for the better.
might change
If you (olisit) the president, what changes would you make?
If it (ei maksaisi) so much I might consider buying it.
didn't cost
He might even lose some weight if he (kÀvelisi) to school every day.
You (ei pitÀisi koskaan valehdella) to your spouse.
should never lie
Rakastatko vielÀ minua when I'm old and ugly?
Will you still love me
(Olisivatko he menneet) there if it had rained?
Would they have gone
I would have called if I (en olisi hukannut) my phone.
hadn't lost
The birds (olisivat voineet lentÀÀ) away if we hadn't disturbed them.
could have flown
I (en auta) help unless you ask nicely.
won't help
They (olisivat ostaneet) the car if they had had enough money.
would have bought
I would travel to Spain next summer (jos se olisi mahdollista).
if it was possible