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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you see me, you also see you. What am I?
Some are used for fabric And some are used for hair Some are used for paper, And one is called a pair
Americano and latte, Cappuccino if you please, Macchiato and espresso, Tell me – what are all of these?
I have blades but I’m not a fan- I get cut but I’m not hair- I’m in your yard but I’m not a flower
You might sometimes see this animal- With a jockey riding on its back- Trying to run as fast as it can- While going round and round a track.
Which one is not the color of berry? (a) Blue (b) Black (c) Purple
What is a dried grape called? (a) Date (b) Raisin (sultana) (c) Potato bug
Raisin (sultana)
Some people call this fruit a vegetable, but it's really a fruit...and very juicy! (a) Tomato, (b) Kiwi (c) Grapes
This is a red, delicious fruit. One a day will keep the doctor away! (a) Apple, (b) Mango (c) Papaya
Sometimes people wear special clothes to look like something, for example to look like a ghost at Halloween, or to look like a princess for their birthday. What is this called?- (a) Fancy dress costume, (b) a kit (c) a wardrobe
Fancy dress costume
When you mix red and yellow you get?
Which animal’s group is known as pride? (a) Lion (b) Wolf (c) Elephants