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Now and Ben

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Mr. Haktak trade?
He traded his turnips, potatoes, and other vegetables.
What did Mr. Haktak trade his harvest for?
He traded it for clothing, lamp oil, and fresh seeds.
How was Ben's rocking chair different from the rocking chair today?
One had a fan attached to it. The other churned butter.
Where can you find an odometer?
It can be found inside an automobile.
What is an odometer?
It measures the distance traveled.
What was the device Ben invented on page 527 called? How did it work?
It was called the Long Arm. It worked as a very long arm.
What does the Grabber do?
It helps people reach things that are high up.
What is the device on page 526 called?
It is called the Grabber.
Why is a lightening rod helpful?
It helps prevent fires and keeps dangerous amounts of electricity away from the house.
What is a lightning rod?
It is a rod that stops that lightning from striking the building.
How did Ben learn that lightning is electricity?
Good work!
What did people believe in the eighteenth century?
They believed lightning was an act of anger and punishment from God.
What type of cartoon did Ben print and where?
He printed a political cartoon in America.
What did Ben create?
He created many inventions.
Who is the reading "Now and Ben" about?
It is about Benjamin Franklin.