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States of Matter and Changes of State

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Two types of Mixtures
Homogenous and Heterogenous
Everything that has mass and volume.
A change in state happens when we ___________ or ___________ matter
heat / cool
The particles in gaseous state are ________________________ and can move freely.
well separated
TRUE or FALSE: Gas matter doesn't have a fixed shape or volume.
The particles in liquid state are _____________ and can move _____________.
separated - freely
Matter in its solid state is characterized by having a ____________ shape and volume.
3 Major States of Matter
Solid, Liquid, Gas
The change from liquid to solid is called ____________
The change from gas to liquid is called _____________
When a liquid becomes gas, it's called _______________
Vaporization / Evaporation
When a solid becomes a liquid it's called ________________
Fusion / Melting