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Could women own land in Sparta?
What happened to physically superior helots or had shown bravery in battle?
Disappeared - possibly culled by the krypteia
Name the three stages of the agoge.
Paides (7-17), Paidiskoi (18-19), Hebontes (20-29)
What happened to Spartan babies who were considered to be ill born?
They were thrown into a chasm at the foot of Mt Taygetos
Which ancient historian travelled the ancient world and wrote about Sparta?
What name was given to the twins Castor and Polydeuces?
The Diuscuri
What was the name of the festival that worshipped Apollo?
Who was the god of the sea in Spartan religion?
What was Spartan 'currency' made of?
What was the Spartan shield called?
What was the strenuous dance performed by women called?
What was the name of the 'secret police' in Sparta
How old were boys when they entered to agoge?
Seven (7)
Which ancient source said that the Spartan army was seen as the 'walls' of Sparta?
What army formation was the most common in Sparta?
Spartiates who failed the agoge, who lost citizenship through cowardice etc, were...
Who were helots in Sparta?
State owned slaves
Who were the peioikoi?
Literally dwellers around, not citizens
What was a kleros?
A plot of land
What was the name of communal messes where Spartiates had common meals?
The kings had two priesthoods - Zeus?
Zeus Lacedemonios and Zeus Uranios
The council of elder noblemen (28 citizens of noble birth + the two kings - name?
What was the Ephorate made up of?
Five (5) magistrates elected by citizens. They had to be over 30 years old.
How many kings did Sparta have?
Two (2)
Who supposedly gave Lycurgus directions for laws to run Sparta?
Oracle of Delphi
What were spoken directions about how Sparta should be organised called?
Great Rhetra
Name of legendary law giver?
Which ancient source admired Sparta?
Name of the Spartan education system?
What was the important temple and site of the cult of Apollo called?
Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia
Name the town and natural harbour that Spartans used.
Name the three mountain ranges that form a natural defensive barrier around Sparta.
Taygetus, Parnon and Arcadian
Name the two rivers that supplied fresh water to Sparta.
Eurotas and Pamisos Rivers
What is the area that Sparta is located in known as?
Lacedaemonia (Lakonia and Messene