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Since Until
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Until when can you use the ipad?
Until when can you stay awake?
Since when is it hot here in Monterrey?
How long is SWAS class?
Until when 2021?
How long do you have to stay in quarantine if you visit Korea?
How long is one meter?
How long is one hour?
How long is one month?
How long is one year?
Until when are you in elementary school?
Since when are you in elementary school?
Since when did we start school online?
Until when is spring?
Until when do we have class today?
Since when don't you hug your ___________?
Do you like videogames? Since when?
Since when don't you see your ______________?
Since when do you have your pet?
Since when do you have class with Ms.Alina?
Since when have you been awake today?
How long have you spoken English?
How long have you had a brother or a sister?
Until when do you have to go to school?
Until when are you in Mexico?
Since when can you walk?
Since when do you speak English?
Since when can you read?
Since when do you live in Monterrey?
For how long did she play with legos?
She played for 4 months.
For how long did she read?
She read for 6 months.
For how long did she play the piano?
She played for 1 month.
For how long did she play soccer?
She played for 3 months.
Until when did she read?
She read until April.
Until when did she play with legos?
She played with legos until March
Until when did she play soccer?
She played the piano until January.
Until when did she play piano?
She played the piano until November
Since when does she play basketball?
She plays basketball since April
Since when does she skate?
She skates since April
Since when does she swim?
Since February