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Economic Sectors

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Two types of farming / cropping
dry farming and irrigation farming
Factories / Industries, Crafts, Construction are activities under the
Secondary Sector
The jobs in the tertiary sector do not produce material goods, they provide __________ for other people.
The secondary sector involves activities that  _______________ raw materials into manufactured products.
Sale of products and goods to other countries
Export / Exporting
Buying of products and goods from other countries
Import / Importing
This kind of trade means buying and selling products to and from other countries
Foreign or International Trade
This kind of trade means buying and selling products within a country
Domestic trade
Primary sector jobs are those that obtain resources or raw materials directly from ____________.
This sector is also called the service sector
Tertiary Sector
This sector is also called the manufacturing sector
Secondary Sector
This sector is also called the production sector
Primary Sector