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Amazing Animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete this text with the correct missing word.
True or False? For superlatives we double the vowel when a one-syllable adjective ends in a CONSONANT + VOWEL + CONSONANT
We make the superlative form by adding THE + -EST / A + -EST to a one-syllable adjective.
We use the superlative form to compare TWO / THREE OR MORE things or people.
Three or more.
The lion is the f _ _ _ est animal in the forest.
Which animal lives in a forest: a lion or a tiger?
A lion.
What is this place?
A forest.
True or False? For comparatives we double the vowel when a one-syllable adjective ends in a CONSONANT + VOWEL + CONSONANT
We make the comparative form by adding -ER THAT / -ER THAN to a one-syllable adjective.
We use the comparative to compare TWO / THREE things or people.
Complete the sentence. A _______ is older than a kitten.
Choose the right word. A snail / lion is faster than a hippo.
A lion.
What is the opposite of short?
True or false? Big is the opposite of slow.
What animal is this?
A kangaroo.
Is this a whale?
No. It's a snail.
Is this a puppy?