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Complete the sentences.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The restaurant I always eat in has a c............... location about five minutes from the office.
Goods are kept in our w............ until they´re ready for delivery.
In order to get a full r..............., customers must send back the goods in the original packaging.
We offer a d............... to customers who buy in bulk.
Suppliers often sell large quantities of goods to w..............., who do not usually sell directly to customers.
Another name for a "producer" is a m..............
The main building or a location of a particular organisation is its h.......... o........... / h................ .
head office / headquarters
The percentage of sales a company has on a particular market is its m.......... s..........
market share
The amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period is called a t..................
Karl has a heavy w.............. at the moment since some of his colleagues are off sick.
I work six days a week and I never have a holiday. My girlfriend says I´m a w.......
I worked until 11 last night to meet the d.......... for presenting the report.
Jim was very pleased when he earned his first c..................... He´s a very good sales assistant and he sold way more than his colleagues.
If you want to climb c....... l....... you have to be prepared to work very hard.
career ladder
Helena was very happy with the b............. she got last year. Some extra money always makes people satisfied.
My company has a training programme which offers c............... o............. to students who have just graduated from university.
career opportunities
She hopes to make a l.............. doing freelance consulting.
He decided on his career p....... when he was in his first year of university, and amazingly, he followed it until he retired.
China´s gross d............... product is about $5 trillion