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Classification/types of dessert and their charac ...

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True or False. Eating dessert is an opportunity to experience different flavors and textures that you cannot get in other foods like vegetables, meats, and fruits.
True or False. Dessert balances out a meal and gives “starter” to the meal.
False. Dessert gives closure to the meal.
A variety of culinary preparations based on sweetened milk, cheese, or cream cooked with egg or egg yolk to thicken it, and sometimes also flour, corn starch, or gelatin.
These are easily prepared, economical and vary in many ways.
Another excellent dessert that is ready to serve. It is made in all parts of the world from a variety of milks from cow, goat, and sheep.
The simplest dessert and one of the best desserts because they are nutritious, appetizing, and easy to prepare and serve.
A course that concludes or ends a meal meaning it is being served or eaten after a meal