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EOC Review Week 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is the factored form? (x-3)^2
What is the factored form? x^2 – 49
(x+7) (x-7)
What is the factored form for 3x^2 – 13x – 10
(x - 5)(3x + 2)
what is the factored form : x^2 – 9x – 22
(x - 11)(x + 2)
Factoring by GCF: 10x^2 – 5x
5x(2x - 1)
Exponential rule: a^0 =
what is the asymptote for an exponential function?
A line that the graph approaches but never touches.
Recursive formula for geometric sequence?
an= a (n-1) times r
what is explicit formula for geometric sequence?
an = a1 r ^n - 1
The number multiplied is called the______________
Common ratio
Geometric Sequence – sequence of numbers that ________________ by the same number to compute the next
Exponent Rules: x^-a =
1/ x^a
Exponent Rules: (x^a) ^b =
Exponent Rules: x^a / x^b =
Exponent Rules: x^a times x^b =
Which increases faster – exponential functions or linear functions? Why
Exponential/because repeated multiplication will increase faster eventually than repeated addition.
Recall the additional exponential formulas, when the rate is given as a percent, convert it to a decimal and write as______for decay
Recall the additional exponential formulas, when the rate is given as a percent, convert it to a decimal and write as______for growth
y = ab^x (Growth or Decay), what is b ?
growth or decay factor
y = ab^x (Growth or Decay), what is a ?
initial (starting) value/y-intercept