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Genetics Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is considered the father of modern genetics?
Gregor Mendel
If a flower is heterozygous for its purple petals, what is it genotype?
Bb, one dominant allele and one recessive
If a flower is homozygous dominant and purple, what will its GENOTYPE be?
BB, two copies of the dominant allele
_________ are segments of DNA that determine traits.
True or False: All genetic mutations are harmful.
How many total chromosomes do humans have?
46, 23 pairs
What are changes in an organisms' DNA sequence called? (typos)
Traits of organisms are passed down from __________ to ____________.
parent to offspring
Deoxyribonucleic Acid is usually referred to as _______
A A diagram used to show all the possible combinations of alleles that can result from a genetic cross
punnett square
what are the traits that are passed from parents to their offspring called?
inherited traits
What process makes identical body cells?
The study of heredity is called...
An allele that can be masked by a dominant gene form. Indicated by a lowercase letter.
Indicated by a capital letter. The stronger form of an allele that always shows up when present.
The GENETIC makeup of an organism; an organism's combination of alleles.
What word means different versions or variants of a gene?
These are found in the nucleus and are tightly coiled bundles of DNA
What process makes gametes (sperm and egg cells)
This process makes identical body cells to allow organisms to grow and repair tissue. Also used for Asexual reproduction.
What is a segment of DNA that controls a specific trait called?