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Like camping

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T or F. He hates feeding the animals.
Correct or incorrect. Do we like going camping? No, they doesn't.
What's the name of this activity?
Go trekking
Correct or incorrect. Do she like feeding the animals? Yes, she do
Name the pronouns with which we use the auxiliary DOES
He, she, it
Name the pronouns with which we use the auxiliary DO
I, you, we, they.
Which auxiliaries do we use with the word like.
Do and does
Name the structure to use the word like in the negative form.
Subj + auxiliary neg + like + verb -ing + pred.
Name the structure to use the word like in the positive form.
Subj + like + verb with -ing + pred.
What's the name of this activity?
Go sightseeing
What's the name of this activity?
Take pictures of nature.
What's the name of this activity?
Set up a campfire
Correct or incorrect. Do you like going camping? No, I doesn't.
Does she like watching he wildlife?
Yes, she does.
What's the name of this activity?
eat around a campfire.
Form a sentence. We/ love/ feed the animals.
We love feeding the animals.
Turn this sentence into a negative one: Susan hates eating around a campfire.
Susan doesn't hate eating around a campfire.
Correct or incorrect. They hate go trekking.
Does he like gazing at the stars?
No, he doesn't.
T or F. After the words like, love or hate, the verbs goes with -S.
Do we change the verb after the words like, love and hate?