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Compound Sentence Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Everything is ready at the new offices. We’re moving in next week.
Everything is ready at the new offices, and we’re moving in next week.
We must do something about Cathy. She seems very unhappy.
We must do something about Cathy, for she seems very unhappy.
Alice will not study her lessons. Will she do her homework.
Alice will not study her lessons, nor will she do her homework.
I was so exhausted last night. I tried to finish writing up my new project.
I was so exhausted last night, yet I tried to finish writing up my new project.
Natalie looked for her watch. She couldn’t find it.
Natalie looked for her watch, but she couldn’t find it.
We must study hard. We may fail the final examination.
We must study hard, or we may fail the final examination.
He cheated on her. She broke up with him.
He cheated on her, so she broke up with him.
This is a very busy period for us. We need to speed up production.
This is a very busy period for us, so we need to speed up production.
I stopped working on the report. I was tired.
I stopped working on the report, for I was tired.
I didn’t have breakfast today. Did I stop for lunch.
I didn’t have breakfast today, nor did I stop for lunch.
You can go with them. You can stay here.
You can go with them, or you can stay here.
We have reduced our price. Sales are still down.
We have reduced our price, yet sales are still down.
I understand it. It was hard to explain.
I understand it, but it was hard to explain.
Bill went with us to the movie. Nancy joined us later at the cinema.
Bill went with us to the movie, and Nancy joined us later at the cinema.
My mom doesn’t like ham. Eggs make her sick.
My mom doesn’t like ham, and eggs make her sick.