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Early Colonial Settlement in Pennsylvania

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Name one contribution the Swedes made to Pennsylvania
Log cabins, livestock, farms, civil court, churches, government
When was the Age of Discovery?
What is a trading post?
A store or small settlement meant for trading
What is mutiny?
A rebellion against the leader or officers of a crew
What is a man-of-war?
An armed sailing vessel
Why was Stuyvesant forced to surrender to the Dutch?
His people were tired of his unfair rules and refused to fight the Dutch.
Who were the first real settlers of Pennsylvania?
The Swedes
How long did Sweden's rule last?
17 years
What happened to change the peace between the Dutch and the Swedes?
Johan Classon Rising captured a Dutch fort, starting a war.
Who did Queen Christina hire to head her expedition?
Peter Minuit
Who was the King of Sweden in he early part of the seventeenth century?
Gustavus Adolphus
Who did Holland hire to explore North America?
Henry Hudson
When was Jamestown, Virginia founded?
In the late 1400s, many European nations began to look beyond their borders for land and riches. Their top priority was to find a water route to ____________ and the ____________ __________.
China and the East Indies
What we now know as Pennsylvania was found first by explorers sent out from _________.