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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This animal lives in the sea. It is purple and it has got eight legs
It's an octopus
It is big. It is black and orange.
It's a tiger
This animal swings in the trees and it is similar to humans.
It's a monkey
It has got stripes black and white.
It is a zebra
It has got scales. It is dark green. It has got a big mouth. It lives in rivers.
It's a crocodile
It has got a horn, it is grey and it is dangerous.
It is a rhino
It is a sea animal. It is very dangerous. Don't touch it.
It's a jellyfish
It is small. It has four legs and it is brown.
A dog
It is very very big. It can't fly. It lives in Africa and India. It's grey.
The elephant
It has got four legs and it is very dangerous. It is brown. It has got big teeth and eats meat. It is a king.
The lion
It is the biggest animal in the world. It's grey.
It's a whale
This animal is long and green
It's a snake