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English Speaking Review S5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you say if you didn't clearly hear the individual response question?
Can you repeat the question please?
How long is the individual response in the DSE discussion?
How many minutes is the DSE discussion?
How many minutes do you have to prepare for the DSE discussion?
If you can use a wide variety of words, which category would you be marked under?
Vocabulary (& Language Patterns)
Which category would you be marked on the quality of your thinking?
Ideas (& Organization)
Which category would speaking fluently and naturally fall under?
Pronunciation (& Delivery)
Which category would body language, like looking at the group members or turn-taking skills fall under?
Communication Strategies
Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
ideas (& Organization)
Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
Communication Strategies
Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
Vocabulary & Language (grammar/vocabulary)
Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
If a group member isn't contributing to the discussion, is it your job to try to get him/her to talk?
When answering a question such as, "Do you like swimming?" What is the first word you should say?
Yes or No
If you want to disagree with a group member, how can you politely say you disagree?
I'm sorry, I disagree.
Besides saying I agree with you, what other phrase could you use?
I see your point or that's right
When you want to introduce the topic, what should you say?
Today, we are talking about or today, we are going to talk about.
What do you say when you want to move on from a point?
Let's go/move to the next point.
What is the first thing you say when you start a discussion?
Good morning, good afternoon or good evening
What do you say when you want to ask a group member what he or she thinks?
What do you think? How about you?