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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meaning of the word "eager": The old man was eager to spend his money on the ride.
very excited and interested
What is the meaning of the word "desire": The boy's desire to go to the moon led him to have a lemonade stand.
to want or wish for something
What is the meaning of the word "afford": The boy could not afford to try the ride again.
to be able to pay for something
What is the meaning of the word "steered": The boy steered the spaceship ride toward the moon.
to control the direction in which something moves
What is the meaning of the word "convince": The boy tried to convince his mother to give him a coin for the ride.
To cause someone to agree to do something
What is the meaning of the word "soar": The boy wanted the spaceship to soar into space.
to fly quickly upward
What is the meaning of the word "shake": The rocket began to shake as it got ready to take off. a) to move quickly back and forth or up and down b) a dessert made from ice cream and milk
a) to move quickly back and forth or up and down
What is the meaning of the word "patient": The boy was patient as he slowly earned enough money for the ride. a) a person who receives medical care b) staying calm when waiting for a long time
b) staying calm when waiting for a long time
What is the meaning of the word "fly": The boy wanted the rocket ride to fly into space. a) to move through the air b) a small insect with two wings
a) to move through the air
What is an antonym for "heavy"?
What is an antonym for "sweet"?
What is an antonym for "fast"?
What is an antonym for "happy"?
What is an antonym for "young"?
What is a synonym for "soar"?
What is a synonym for "upset"
sad, hurt
What is a synonym for "happy"?
glad, joyful, delighted
What is a synonym for "fast"?
quick, rapid, swift
Today, the old man pushes. Yesterday, he _____. a) push b) pushed
Today, the spaceship flies. Yesterday, it _____. a) flew b) flied
Today, the boy sells. Yesterday, he _____. a) sold b) selled
Today, the boy rides. Yesterday, he ____. a) rided b) rode
One woman, two _____.
One foot, two _____.
One man, two _____.
One helmet, two _____.
One ride, two _____.
One coin, two _____.
One lemon, two _____.
How did the man get to space?
By putting all of the money he earned from his lemonade stand in the rocket ride.
What is the lesson of the video?
Never give up on your dreams, to work hard for what you believe, it's never too late to make your dreams come true, etc.
How did the old man feel when he thought the ride was broken? Why might he feel that way?
He felt upset because he spent a lot of time and money on the ride.
Why was the boy selling lemonade?
He sold lemonade in order to make money for the rocket ride.
What was wrong with the ride?
The ride did not fly to space.
What do you think the boy wanted to be when he grew up? How do you know?
I think he wanted to be an astronaut because he was interested in space.
How did the boy feel when he saw the rocket ride?
The boy felt shocked and excited when he saw the ride.
What was the boy playing with?
The boy is playing with a toy rocket ship.