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Which of these historical monarchs was NOT known to be gay?
King Juan Carlos of Spain
Queen Christina of Sweden
Edward II of England
King James VI of Scotland
Who was the first professional athlete to come out of the closet while still actively competing?
Martina Navratilova
Billy Jean King
George Best
Rudy Galindo
This actor recently came out as trans
Elliot Page
Which U.S. State first legalized same sex marriage?
Who is this famous LGBTQ+ activist?
Marsha P. Johnson
Who is this famous LGBTQ+ activist?
Harvey Milk
What are the colours of the rainbow flag?
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet
What were the Stonewall Riots?
LGBTQ+ people fought back against the police, who were arresting them for being gay or identifying as LGBTQ+
Pride Month is celebrated during which month?
People who love or are attracted to people of any gender.
A person who has no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.
Who you love or are attracted to
Sexual orientation
People who love or are attracted to people of the same gender
People who love or are attracted to both male and female genders.
Who you are/how you feel. Girl, boy, both, or neither.
Gender identity
How people show their gender outwardly (clothes, hairstyles, etc.).
Gender expression
People use this word as a way to identify with and celebrate people of all gender identities and all the ways people love each other.
Women who love or are attracted to women.
People who identify as male or female and who only love or are attracted to people who identify as the opposite gender.
People who do not feel like the words “girl” or “boy” fits. They may feel like both or neither. They sometimes use pronouns such as they, them, theirs.
When your gender identity (how you feel) is different than what doctors assigned to you when you were born.
A way of seeing gender as only two distinct and opposite groups — girl and boy.
Gender binary
When someone’s gender identity (how you feel) is the same as what doctors assigned to them when they were born.
LGBTQ+ stands for…
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and other identities