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The Olmecs

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Tell me any fact about the Olmecs and you'll get extra points!
Answers will vary
Tell me any fact about the Olmecs and you'll get extra points!
Answers will vary
What is one reason the Olmec civilization ended?
Silt in water or volcanoes
Why are the Olmec important?
They inspired future civilizations
Why was their ball game important?
It was fun to watch/had religious importance
Name one thing the Olmecs invented?
Ball game, calendar, writing system
Why did the Olmecs create giant stone heads?
For their leaders
Where did the Olmecs live?
In Mesoamerica or Mexico
Who are the Olmecs?
The first American Civilization.
Why did people create cities and stop hunting and gathering?
They started farming and domesticating animals.
What caused the land bridge?
Water froze into ice and sea levels dropped.
What is the Bering Land Bridge?
How the first Americans crossed over from Asia to Alaska.
What is a hunter-gatherer?
People who always are moving to find food.
What does Mesoamerica mean?
Middle America
What two continents make up the Americas?
North America and South America