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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It isn't nice to _ _ ss _ _ about your friends.
Jim bought a ring for Alice. They're going to  _ _ _     _ n _ _ _ _ _ .
get engaged
I'd like to __ __ __  to  __ __ __ __ you better.
get to know
Alan wants to _ _ _ _ k    _ p with his boyfriend.
break up
My sister and I fight, but then we _ _ _ _    _ _.
make up
She's got her father's eyes, but she doesn't   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _   him in other ways.
take after
We're still close friends. I ____ with her by phone and e-mail.
stay in touch
You never fight with anyone. You ___ with everyone.
get along
I'm a private person. I don't _ _ _ _ _    my   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  with people when I'm sad.
share my feelings
I won't tell anyone. You can ___ me.
trust / rely on
I think my boyfriend wants to leave me. He will really ____ into pieces.
break my heart
You aren't very sensitive. You often ____ and you aren't nice to them.
hurt people's feelings
They want to ____ next month. They're having a church ceremony.
get married