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Right or Wrong

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name two of your favourite games
Name 3 sports
What is Shaun the Sheep do next Monday?
What is Shaun the Sheep going to do next Monday?
What are _____ __________ to do on Friday?
What are you going to do on Friday?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
Right- What are you going to do tomorrow?
Next Wednesday Duong ___ __________ ___ go to dance class with Teacher Thao
Next Wednesday Duong ___ __________ ___ go to dance class with Teacher Thao
On Friday teacher Alessia's dog ___ ____________ ____ do arts and crafts
On Friday, teacher Alessia's dog is going to do arts and crafts
Next week Phong are going to play tennis with Pikachu
Next week Phong is going to play tennis with Pikachu
Tomorrow Ngoc is play football with Nobita at 5pm
Tomorrow Ngoc is going to play football with Nobita at 5pm
Tomorrow Hai playing football with Doraemon
Wrong - Tomorrow Hai IS GOING to play football with Doraemon
Tomorrow Hien Minh is going to visit his friends