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Civics and Logic Spring Final

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_________________ is used when someone tries to persuade us to think his product would make us better or make us stand out from everyone else.
Snob appeal
_____________ is getting us to transfer our good or bad feelings about one thing to another unrelated thing.
_______________ is being used when nothing more than a time limit is given as a reason for us to do what someone wants.
The ________________ invites us to jump on the bandwagon and do what everybody else is doing.
____________________ is when someone tries to make us do something only because we pity him or we pity something associated with him.
Appeal to pity
________________ is a propaganda technique. It is used when someone makes you fear the consequences of not doing what he wants.
Appeal to fear
______________ is any strategy for spreading our beliefs or ideas.
Proof by _______________ fallacy is claiming something is true simply because nobody has yet given evidence to the contrary.
lack of evidence
We are reasoning by _________________ when we compare 2 items with each other.
A ______________ takes a sample from a class of things, then, using the characteristics from that sample, says something about everything in that class.
What is the name of the listing of places that the national parks service recognizes on being worthy of preservation?
National Registry of Historic Places
About how many people take the GED test every year?
What responsibility do the adults of every generation have?
to share their beliefs, skills, and knowledge with their children
What program provides food and nutrition education for women expecting a baby, new mothers, and children up to age 5?
WIC (women, infants, children)
What department of the federal executive branch spends almost 1/4 of the federal budget?
Department of Health and Human Services
What trait of the heart regarding other people did Jesus have and teach his disciples to have?
He guides what he never sees.
Air traffic controller
For what is the term mass transit used?
Transport large groups of people
As of 2012, what is the average cost of building one mile of one lane road?
3 to 4 million dollars
What is the term for goods made in the US and shipped to other countries for sale there?
What does ZIP stand for in reference to ZIP codes?
Zone Improvement Plan
How did the telephone exchange enable telephone customers to talk to each other?
We have technology because we have
With what is the electricity from our homes and businesses produced? List 3
coal, nuclear energy, solar energy, petroleum, wind farms, hydroelectric dams
What are natural resources?
Resources from the earth created by God for our use
From what kind of taxes does just over half of federal revenue come?
Income tax
What is the main way that the government pays for what it does?
What is economics?
The study of the making, distribution, and use of products
What is the name for the practice of a higher court examining a case that was already decided by a lower court.
Judicial Review
All accepted legal procedures are followed in a case.
Due process of the law
The quality of being fair and reasonable is called what?
Federal court orders are enforced by whom?
Federal Marshalls
What law enforcement officer is elected in many places by the voters?
The government agency that requires phone companies to provide 911 service is?
Federal Communications Commission
The agency that serves as the guard at our nation's borders is called what?
US Customs and Border Protection
What are the two areas of responsibility that the Secret Service has?
Protect the president and protect visiting foreign leaders
The cabinet department that brought together 22 federal security departments and agencies.
Department of Homeland Security
The agency that helps people become citizens, adopt foreign-born children, and receive permanent resident status.
US Citizenship and Immigration Services
How many states have Native American residents?
What act of Congress gave Native Americans citizenship and the right to vote?
Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
What federal agency is responsible for carrying out federal laws which concern Native Americans?
Bureau of Indian Affairs
What is another term used when a city is being officially organized?
The building that is the headquarters of a county government is called what?
county courthouse
What is the term for what a governor can give to set free people who are serving in state prisons?
Does a state governor have to be born in the United States?
When do mist state legislatures meet?
What is the group of senior military officers that is responsible for the readiness of the US military?
Joint Chiefs of Staff
What branch of the US military works closely with the Navy and specializes in amphibious landings?
What are the 4 branches of the US military?
Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy
What is a formal, written agreement between two or more countries?
What is the official representative of a head of state to the government of another country?
What is the term for one country saying that the government of another country is real and in control of its country?
diplomatic recognition