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Roots (Maroon)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meaning of the following word? centennial
a hundredth anniversary or its celebration
What is the meaning of the following word? century
a period of 100 years
What is the meaning of the following word? biography
a written history of a person's life
What is the meaning of the following word? biology
the study of organisms
What is the meaning of the following word? autopilot
an automatic steering device
What is the meaning of the following word? autograph
a signature
What is the meaning of the following word? audience
spectators at a public event
What is the meaning of the following word? audible
able to be heard
Show how this word connects to the root - centipede
cent= hundred, ped= foot (bug with 100 feet)
Show how this word connects to the root - biome
bio=life, ome= total area (life in a total area)
Show how this word connects to the root - autobiography
auto= self, bio= life, graphy= write (write about self)
Show how this word connects to the root - inaudible
in= not, aud= to hear or listen, ible= capable of (not able to hear)
Show how this word connects to the root - astronaut
astro= space, naut= traveler (space traveler)
What is the meaning of the following word? asteroid
a rock floating in outer space
What is the meaning of the following word? astronomy
the study of outer space
What is the meaning of the following root? cent
What is the meaning of the following root? bio
What is the meaning of the following root? auto
What is the meaning of the following root? aud
to hear or listen
What is the meaning of the following root? astro
stars or outer space