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Citizenship Civics 2008: Rights and Voting

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There are 4 amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.
Citizens 18 ad older can vote (any citizen can vote, a male citizen of any race can vote, you don't have to pay tax to vote)
How old do citizens have to be to vote?
18 and older
What are 2 rights of all people living in the United States?
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion
What is one right or freedom from the first amendment?
Freedom of Speech (Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition)
Yes or No? Life and Liberty are rights in the first amendment.
No. Life and Liberty are 2 rights in the Declaration of Independence
What are 2 rights in the Declaration of Independence?
Life and Liberty (and the pursuit of happiness)
Yes or No? we elect Representatives for 6 years.
No. We elect representatives for 2 years.
Yes or No? We elect the President for 4 years.
Yes or No? We elect a Senator for 5 years.
No. We elect a Senator for 6 years.
What are the 2 major political parties in the United States?
Democratic and Republican
What is the political party of the President now?
Yes or No? Citizens have to be 16 to vote.
No. Citizens have to be 18 to vote.
What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
the Bill of Rights
Yes or No? The Bill of Rights freed the slaves.
No. The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves.
Yes or No? The first ten amendments are called the Emancipation Proclamation.
No. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights.
What are 2 ways Americans can participate in their democracy?
vote and join a political party. (run for office, Call Senators and representatives, write to a newspaper)
What is one reason the colonists came to America?
What did Martin Luther King Jr. do?
fought for Civil Rights
Yes or No? Only citizens can vote.
What is freedom of religion?
You can practice any religion or not practice religion.
Yes or No? Only citizens have freedom of speech
No. All people living in the United States have Freedom of Speech
What did Susan B Anthony do?
fought for women's rights
What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
The Civil Rights movement