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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Hector doing? H___ ____ making a flower vase.
He is making a flower vase.
What material is Ken using? H____ _____ using ________.
He is using newspaper.
What is Ken doing? H____ is making a picture frame.
He is making a picture frame.
What are Annie & Lili doing? T_____ are making a lantern.
They are making a lantern.
What material is Caroline using? S____ _____ using __________.
She is using carton.
What is Caroline doing? S____ is making a dollhouse.
She is making a dollhouse.
What materials are Annie and Lili using? T______ _______ using ______ jars.
They are using glass jars.
What material is Andrea using? S____ ______ using _______ bottles.
She is using plastic bottles.
What is Andrea doing? S_____ is making a piggy bank.
She is making a piggy bank.
What material are Steve and Bill using? T_____ _______ using _________.
They are using cans.
What are Steve and Bill doing? T _____ _are making flowerpots.
They are making flowerpots.
What materials are the girls using? T____   ____ using_____.
They are using paper.
What are the girls doing?T______    are  making a 3D city map.
They are making a 3D city map.
What material is Mark using? H____    ____ using ______ rolls
He is using carton rolls.
What is Mark doing? H____   is making a rocket.
He is making a rocket.