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Vocabulary & Past tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I losed my purse.
Correct the sentence: My best friend were upset this morning
My best friend *was* upset this morning
I were at the restaurant yesterday.
I *was* at the restaurant yesterday.
Correct the mistake: Did you ate dinner last night?
Did you eat dinner last night?
While my father _______ a bike, he _____ two robbers run out of the bank. (ride, see)
was riding, saw
The phone ______ while David ______ a shower. (ring, have)
rang, was having
What is the regular form of the verb "went"?
He's a natural _______. A) attractive B) husband C) leader
How do we say "hold" in the past form?
How do we say "hit" in the past form?
How do we say "cut" in the past form?
How do we say "put" in the past form?
What is the past form of this verb- "swim"?
What is the past form of this verb- "Wear"?
While they _________ they ______ an accident. (go, have)
were going, had
While we ______ to São Paulo we _____ an accident. (drive, see)
were driving, saw
John _______ asleep while he _______ a book. (fall,read)
fell, was reading
What is the past form of this verb- "think"?
What is the past form of this verb- "Stand"?
Will you _______ me? A) eat B) bravely C) marry
They ______ video games, while their mom _______ the dishes.(play, wash)
were playing, was washing
The company ______ the necessary money. A) took b) supplied C) stole
I _______ a book when you ______ me. (read, call)
was reading, called
When Alex ______, I _______ dinner. (arrive, have)
arrived, having dinner