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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Put these words in order: certainly / will / in the future / we / pets / keep
We will certainly keep pets in the future.
Put these words in order: we / will / in the future / definitely / cars / have
We will definitely have cars in the future.
Put these words in order: we / won't / in the future / probably / emails / send
We probably won't send emails in the future.
Complete this sentence with the adverb: Haldor will be a famous biomedical scientist. (definitely)
Haldor will definitely be a famous biomedical scientist.
Complete this sentence with the adverb: We won't change the way we celebrate traditional festivals. (definitely)
We definitely won't change the way we celebrate traditional festivals.
Complete this sentence with the adverb: Everyone will have driverless cars in the future. (probably)
Everyone will probably have driverless cars in the future.
Complete this sentence with the adverb: We won't have online classes in 2022. (certainly)
We certainly won't have online classes in 2022.
Complete this sentence with the adverb: Wain won't stop playing video games. (possibly)
Wain possibly won't stop playing video games.
Complete the sentence with the adverb: Everyone will pass their exams. (probably)
Everyone will probably pass their exams.
Rewrite this sentence using the modal verb: Louis probably won't go out for dinner tonight. (might)
Louis might not go out for dinner tonight.
Rewrite this sentence using the modal verb: I'm thinking of asking Olivia to read this book. (may)
I may ask Olivia to read this book.
Rewrite the sentences using the modal verb: There's a chance that Jane and Skate won't go out today. (might)
Jane and Skate might not go out today.
Rewrite the sentences using the modal verb: It's possible that Will won't go to bed early. (might)
Will might not go to bed early.
Rewrite the sentence using the modal verb: I don't think I'll go to class tomorrow. (may)
I may not go to class tomorrow.
Rewrite the sentence using the modal verb: It's possible that Mark will pass his driving test. (might)
Mark might pass his driving test.