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Early Republic/Age of Jackson

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Which U.S president is famously known as the "Peoples President" and increased suffrage for the "common man" in 1824?
Andrew Jackson
True or False: The ABC Affair was a meeting between the U.S/French in which French officials tried to secure a bribe to defend the U.S
False: XYZ Affair
James Madison was the 6 U.S president? True or False
False: 4th
Which major battle of the War of 1812 did Andrew Jackson gain his popularity?
Battle of New Orleans
The battle of Saratoga, Gettysburg and Ft. Sumter were all major battles in the War of 1812? True or False
False: Washington D.C, Ft. McHenry (Baltimore), and New Orleans
Incident caused by South Carolina rejecting to pay southern tariffs and threatening to secede from the Union using their 10th amendment rights as their argument 
Nullification Crisis
True or False Dred Scott V. Sandford was a U.S Supreme Court case that recognized the judicial branches power to have Judicial Review
False: Marbury V. Madison 
Politcal Party led by Thomas Jefferson in favor of strong state government, agricultural economy, no tariffs and state banks
Political Party led by Alexander Hamilton in favor of a strong federal government, manufacturing economy, protective tariffs and a national bank
Forced removal of the Cherokee Tribe from Georgia to Oklahoma
Trail of Tears
1830 law that removed and relocated the 5 civilized tribes west across the Mississippi River
Indian Removal Act
In what famous letter did Washington urge America not to get involved in Political Parties, engage in foreign wars or get involved in debt?
Washington's Farewell Address
The ____________________ Rebellion in Pennsylvania over the tax on whiskey showed Washington’s strength and the U.S governments’ power.
Whiskey Rebellion
Who was the President that purchased the Louisiana Territory in 1803 from France?
Thomas Jefferson
This purchase gave the U.S. control of the Mississippi River and the port city of New Orleans and doubled the size of the U.S
Louisiana Purchase
Who was the Native American woman who helped Lewis and Clarke on their expedition west to the Pacific Ocean?
What expedition in 1804 did Americans find a route to the Pacific Ocean, make relations with Native Americans and created new maps of the west?
Lewis and Clarke Expedition
Which foreign policy announced to European Hemisphere that the Americas were not to be further colonized? *James Monroe
Monroe Doctrine
Washington's foreign policy that stated that the U.S could not take sides with any European country at war.
Proclamation of Neutrality
John Adams created these laws that targeted immigrants and censored individuals who criticized the government
Alien and Sedition Acts
Time period after the War of 1812 which lead to an increase in patriotism, U.S manufacturing and continued expansion westward.
Era of good feelings
This foreign policy law closed all American ports to exports/imports which ineffectively damaged the U.S economy.
Embargo Act