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Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did the penguins cross the road again?
The snow making machine dropped water and water turned into snow.The ground was white again.
Why was Grumpy unhappy?
Because of the cold weather
Why couldn’t the penguins walk on the ground?
It was mud, so the penguins couldn’t walk on the mud.
What was on the ground instead of ice?
There was mud on the ground.
Why didn’t Grumpy like the penguins?
Because he didn’t understand how they both walked on the ground and swam.
What did they do in Uncle Peter’s house?
They ate their supper .
Were two brothers alike or unlike?
Uncle Jack and Uncle Peter were very unlike in means of physical appearance.
What did Grumpy do?
Grumpy tried to stop them.
How did they understand the reason why there was mud on the ground?
The strangers were cleaning the snowy ground.
What did they see outside when they woke up in Uncle Peter’s house?
They saw some men outside the window.
What did Uncle Jack want him to do?
He wanted him to leave there.
Who was on the plane? Why did he come there?
Mr. Mazzarati was on the plane.
Why did the planes land on the mud?
Because they couldn’t land on the ice.