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A Day in a Buddhist Temple
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Each team member names one heritage site.
Culture rocks!
You RECEIVED a letter from your cousin. It means ...
... you GOT a letter from your cousin.
I GET TO meet celebrities every week. It means ...
... I have the opportunity to meet celebrities every week.
You ARE SUPPOSED TO dress appropriately. It means ...
... you HAVE TO dress appropriately.
When you TAKE something INTO CONSIDERATION you ...
... think about it before making a decision, take it into account.
"Life is just a bowl of cherries!" What does it mean?
Life is wonderful, amazing, sweet.
What does "blessing" mean?
When supernatural forces help you, make your life better. Or something that makes you feel lucky and happy
Who is a novice?
A person/worker with no experience in something
What are these places?
Heritage sites
What are these?
What are the monks doing?
They are praying or chanting
What is it?
A bowl
What is it?
The almsgiving ceremony
What is it?
A Buddhist temple