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2nd Grade Word Problems

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Katie shoveled snow off 18 feet of the driveway. She still needed to shovel 23 more feet to finish. How long is the driveway?
41 feet
Sean buys a baseball card. He gives the cashier $1.00. He received 2 dimes, 1 quarter, and 1 penny as change. How much did Sean’s baseball card cost?
Jabril came to school with 48 pencils. Some of his friends didn’t have a pencil, so he gave some of his pencils away. He now has 32 pencils. How many pencils did he share with his friends?
16 pencils
Jackie picked some blackberries. Her kids ate 29. She now has 52. How many blackberries did Jackie pick?
82 blackberries
I made a total of 52 cookies and I put them randomly on 2 plates. I gave 14 cookies to my neighbor from the first plate but there were still 17 on that plate. How many cookies are on the second plate?
21 cookies
At camp on Monday the boys rowed 327 yards. On Tuesday they rowed 139 yards. How many yards did they row all together?
466 yards
The first puddle I jumped in splashed 11 inches into the air. The second puddle was 39 inches. How much taller was the second puddle splash
28 inches taller
How much money is this?
Kylie has $0.56 in her piggy bank. She added 4 quarters, 5 dimes, 2 nickels, and 12 pennies. How much money is in her bank now?
I paid exact change for a snack using two dollar bills, 3 quarters, and 6 nickels, and 4 pennies. How much did the snack cost?
Your friend just gave you 12 smelly markers. Now you have 37 markers. How many markers did you start with?
There were 65 flowers in a vase. 21 of the flowers died and were thrown away. Then 32 more flowers were added. How many flowers are in the vase now?
76 flowers