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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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'Shall I give you a hand with the cleaning?' He offered ______ with the cleaning.
to give a hand
'I was at home watching TV when the robbery happened.' He claimed ____ when the robbery happened.
he had been at home
'It was me. I broke the vase.' He admitted _____ the vase.
'I wish I hadn't bought such an expensive phone.' She regretted _____ such an expensive phone.
'I would avoid eating fatty food if I were you.' She advised _____ fatty food.
me not to eat
'OK, I'll do it tomorrow.' She agreed _____ the following day.
to do it
'Can you call me a taxi?' He asked _______ a taxi.
the receptionist to call him
'Why don't you buy a grammar book, Andrew?' He suggested ______ a grammar book.
that Andrew should buy
'I should think it will cost about a million dollars.' He estimated ______ a million dollars.
it would cost
'She'll be married by Christmas.' He predicted _______ by Christmas.
that she would be married
'There's no way I'm working on Sunday.' He ________ on Sunday.
refused to work
'You're lying, Michael', she said. She accused ______
Michael of lying.