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Revision 6th grade units 5 and 6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's her job?
tour guide
You mustn't / shouldn't eat with dirty hands.
May / Can I go to the bathroom, your Majesty?
I'm sure Theo will beat/ may beat Menelaos at Minecraft.
will beat
Xenophon took Chris' exercise book. Chris may beat him / is going to beat him.
...is going to beat him.
It's chilly. It may rain soon. / It must rain soon.
It may rain soon.
I promise I will never lie / I must never lie to you again!
I will never lie
You look horrible. You may stay/ You should stay in bed
You should stay
I'm warning you! Be careful or I'll get / I should get very angry!
I'll get
A lifeguard may work in a swimming pool. True or false?
She goes to patients' homes to care for them. What's her job?
home health nurse
A hairdresser must be creative. True or false?
What's her job?
air traffic controller
The theatre is on the corner of king's road and ....
Bond street.
To get to the bus station, go straight and take the second turning on the ...................... .
What's this?
underground station
In ancient Greece, people used to wear/were wearing sandals.
used to wear
What are these?
high-heeled shoes
She's wearing her hair in braids. true or false?