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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell me your favorite Disney or Pixar movie and then give me a sentence with the word "swimming."
Fill in the blank: "Mason went to the doctor to get his __ checked, because he couldn't hear."
List the 4 seasons and then give me a sentence with "summer" or "winter."
What animal has stripes all over?
Make a sentence with the word "chore."
Fill in the sentence: "Some people put butter on their toast, but I put__"
Say this sentence and then tell me your favorite tv show: "The hurricane caused the power to go out."
Say this sentence and then answer the question: "Have you ever played "the floor is lava?"
Say this sentence: "Her keys were under the couch."
Name 3 video games you like to play that have the letters "r" or "s"
Fill in the blank with your favorite summer activity: "Summer is around the corner and I can't wait to__"
Say this sentence and then tell me your favorite restaurant to go to - "The waiter rushed to serve the food."
Say this sentence: "I want macaroni and cheese for dinner."
What's your favorite meal for dinner?
Say this sentence: "Allergies made him sneeze a lot."
Great! Do you have allergies?
Say this sentence: "Mia's favorite instrument to play is a guitar."
Awesome! Do you have a favorite instrument?
The teacher asked us what our favorite subject was, and I answered__
Name 3 animals that start with an "s"
Ex/ sea lion, swan, snake
Fill in the sentence with your favorite animal: "My favorite animal to see at the zoo is__
Name a vegetable or fruit that begins with an "r"
Tell me your favorite video game and then give me a sentence with the word "souvenirs."
My favorite color is yellow! What's yours?
Answer the math problem and then tell me your favorite color - 3+4 = ?
Give a sentence with "mother" and then tell me your favorite season
Give a sentence with "rabbit" and then do a silly dance